Sunday, April 10, 2011

de meaning of luv in islam~

have 4 types of luv..for exmple:-

The 1st type of love that Islam calls for is the Love of Allah, praise be to Him. This love makes you avoid committing sins in order not to make whom you love, Allah, get angry with you. This love also urges you to contemplate all the different aspect of nature that usually lead you to have a deeper faith in the Creator who created all this beauty round us.

The 2nd type of love is the love of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This love also makes you follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in all his dealings and manners. Also this love is an indication of the love of Allah as stated in the Holy Qur'an, "Say: 'If you do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'" Say: "Obey Allah and His Messenger: But if they turn back, Allah loves not those who reject Faith." (Qur'an, 3:31-32)

The 3rd type of love is human love. It means that the Muslim has to love his other fellow men regardless of their ethnic, linguistic or cultural background. This includes love of neighbors, colleagues, relatives and even strangers. This type of love persuades the Muslim to help anybody whenever he can. There are numerous of Ahadith that exhort Muslims to help anybody who really needs help because such an altruistic act takes the Muslim one step closer to Allah.

The 4th type of love is the love between a man and a woman, but Islam organizes and regulates these lofty feelings within the framework of marriage because Islam views that marital love leads the couple to have a peaceful and happy family life, which is the core of the Muslim society.

Monday, April 4, 2011


MomENt dats Not ForGEts uNtiL de eND of LiFE~

tQ 4 watching.......hve fun guys!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


finally! kputusan dr phak dye, aku da dpt taw n dpt agk jwpn nyer..
pe yg aku tggu slme nih n luah kn pe yg aku rse slme nih, mmg ta m'buah kn hasil yg baek malah busuk cm d gigit ngn serangga...
tp thanx cuz da b'trus-trang wlaupon kt fb je, da ckup tuk aku taw pe sttus sbnar aku...skunk i'm a SINGLE! 

aku redha n pasrah pe yg t'jd skali pon..aku terima ngn ati t'bke..aku kn kuat..slme nih aku leh survive idop tnpe lelaki..skunk aku msti leh kn..chaiyok2!!!

thanx kanda ngn k'putusan kanda tu..dinda appreciate sgt2...kanda taw dinda syg kt kanda kalo kanda da tanak terima syg dinda lg, bior dinda p jaoh2 dr idop kanda..4 ever n ever...dinda doa kn kanda idop ngn aman sejahtera, slalu d murah kn rezeki, otak kanda yg asek stress tu dinda doa kn slalu d lapang kn...

dinda mintak maaf, khidmat dinda tamat d cne..sgala kekurangan n kesalahan, dinda mintak maaf dr hujung rmbut smpai hujung kaki..thanx 4 everything..! chaiyok2 4 ur future k..ttp syg kanda!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


aku nk taw sgt2 pe k'putusan ko skunk..ko trime ke ko tolak?!..aku rse aku da cm jd tggul kayu blk nih tggu k'putusan ko..ko btol ke nk kter b'pisah n tanak try cube jln yg lbh baek agr kter leh b'sme cm dlu...yea!! i admit! aku yg mule kn dlu kte2 putus tu tp dlm k'adaan ta rela n otak pon ngh srabut ngn "words" yg kanda  smpai kn kt shasha aritu..
aku taw, dlm ati ko ta prnh t'lintas 1 pon yg ko syg kn aku, windu kn aku..k'pentingan aku dlm idop ko pon nth2 tade..kosong!

aku taw aku ta leh nk pksa2 ko tuk wat k'putusan tp tolong la jgn wat aku cmne..t'kontang kanting..ta taw arah tuju yg mne ptot aku ikot..pale aku da pening, ati aku rse skit sgt2 n perit cm kne sembilu..

aku taw ko ngh poning pale nk pk ta leh ke luah kn skit mslh ko tu kt aku..??! aku as a gf cm tade k'gunaan pe2..kecik ati aku taw ta..sgt2 kcik ati..

skunk! aku ngh poning n ta taw pe sttus aku skunk, aku nih single ke or in relationship lg..??! 1 jwpn pon aku ta leh nk bg sbb aku sndri ta psti sma ada aku single or kapel..shit!! i hate it..really2 hate it..

layanan ko t'hadap aku pon da lain..k'mesraan da tade..ilang! aku msg tnye cm2 tp ko msg pndek je..pndek sgt2..padahal ko yg msg aku dlu..ptot nyer layan aku baek, nih ta..hampeh!!
tp tape la..aku phm..myb ko ngh frust kot pe yg aku ckp slme nih..SORRY!! tade niat pon nk ckp kte ptus cmtu..suma d luar k'sedaran..ptot nyer dinda m'galah tuk kanda tp ego kanda n dinda sme2 ta leh blah..suma nk tnjuk power..MINTAK MAAF YEA KANDA! DINDA BERSALAH!

dinda nk kanda cm dlu..skunk da ta leh pggil kanda dinda cm pelik je..ta biasa..dinda nk kanda gak tp mulut dinda ta luah..dinda tkot kanda da tanak kt dinda lg..dinda syg sgt2 kt kanda..lom prnh lg dinda syg kt owg cmnih, 1st time dinda jd cmnih..dinda da ta taw nk wat pe lg..dinda da tnjuk dinda kuat tp ati da perasaan dinda still lemah lg, ta leh lpe kn nk wat cmne....kalo Allah masih nk pnjang kn jodoh kter, kter ttp kn bersama smpai akhir hayat..~dinda redha n pasrah pe situation yg t'jd skali pon..dinda terima..!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

the end!

aku rse p'jalanan cinta aku da aku ta sure btol ke ta..wlaupon aku yg ucp kn dlu, tp dye cm nk hold dlu..aku pon ta phm ngn feeling dye tu..
mmg pagi tu aku de msg dye mntk ptus kalo tu je la jln yg t'baek tp dlm ati aku, aku lom ready lg nk k'hilangan someone yg aku da syg n da ajr aku cmne nk rse rindu n syg..wlaupon, dye jenis tanak tnjuk feeling tp de skumit bakteria aku phm ngn dye..
mlm tu, aku jmpe dye nk luah kn suma pe yg aku rse b'bulan2 nih..aku rse sdih sgt2 n t'kilan gler dye ckp cmtu..smpai aku rse cm nk p tmpo mke dye je..k'sabaran aku tbe2 ilang tah p mne..aku ngis bgai nk rak cm owg gler talak ble aku dpt taw pe yg dye rse slme nih..skit ati wey! t'kilan gler! aku rse cm aku owg plg ta b'gne d dunia nih..isi yg dye smpai kn tu mmg tajam gler cm psau daging cucuk n kerat2 dada aku je.. 
btapa hebat nyer kata2 knda ku nih~smpai leh t'guris ati aku nih..huhuhu..

tp aku da luah kn pe yg aku rse slme nih kt, ati aku da rse puas skit kalo ta asek t'pndam je smpai jd kulat da..huhuhu..thanx sgt2 kt bdk2 nih cuz bg aku spport tuk b'ckp ngn kanda..kowg mmg baek gler n myb aku xdpt nk bls nyer blk..aku ta kn lpe ngn jse2 kowg..skunk aku hnya tggu kputusan dr dye je..pe2 k'putusan pon aku da ready..aku da jd aku rindu ngn wangian dye..smlm aku tmbuk2 bdn dye tnjuk tnde protes skit..hahaha..pdn mke dye..rse la penangan tgn aku yg kuat nih..hahaha..

now! aku tggu kputusan ko..aku da ta kisah nk jd pon jd aku ttp SAYANG kn ko..myb smpai ble2..

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

betul ke tak nih??poning nk pk..

betul ke kputusan yg aku wat nih..???aku sndri pon ta pasti betul ke tak...susah gler aku nk wat kputusan amek exam SPM lak..aku ta sure kputusan yg aku wat nih leh wat kn aku lg tenang atau tak..PENING LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nih suma gara2 ko taw tak!!!!! aku da tak sggup nk duk diam kn dri je..aku da penat sgt2..aku taw ko tak kn fham pe yg aku rse malah ko mkin wat dek je ngn aku..aku da lme asek b'sabo je ngn ko..ngis??! tak pyah nk ckp la bpe kali aku ngis sbb ko..da bnyk kali aku ngis sbb prangai ko yg tak pernh nk hirau kn aku..

yea!! aku admit!! ko de ingt aku time mkn..sbb kalo ko p mkn je ngn mmbe2 ko, ko msti bngks kn mknan tuk aku..thanx bnyk2!! tp aku tak nk suma tu n aku tak mao mntk pe2 pon dr ko xcept ksih syg, perhatian, tgur-mnegur,dan cm2 lg npe ko still ta phm2..aku da nek nympah ngn perangai ko skunk..dlm ati aku asek t'tnye2 mne sfat2 ko kt aku dlu...mne p???mne??!! suma da ilang..sem by sem, sfat ko trus ilang nth ke mne..smpai aku da tak penting tuk ko..kalo btol la ko rse cmtu, npe ko ta bgtw aku je..NPE??!! 

msti ko still syg kn x-gf ko dlu kn??? kalo ko btul2 syg kn dye lg, ko p la kt dye..x-gf ko tu pon tah da de bf ke lom..still smpat lg kalo ko nk p kt dye..aku lps kn ko..lgpon ko pon da tak syg kn aq lg, so wat pe aku nk m'nagih smpati kt ko kn..

p la ko kt x-gf lme ko tu..p la ngn aman..insyallah aku tak kn pe2..myb ati n perasaan aku luka tp lme2 t baek la..cuma cpat or lmbt je..


Monday, March 14, 2011

teady bear~!

bez nyer dpt hug dye..hehehe..

i belai u ea..ske x??hehehe..


10 roses flowers...beznyer dpt cmni.. :(

nyebuk je dowg nih nk posing...sengal!!hahaha..